Little Shop of Horrors: High School Edition is a student-friendly adaptation of the beloved sci-fi horror comedy musical that has charmed audiences since its original Off-Broadway debut in 1982. The show, based on the 1960 cult film, follows the story of Seymour Krelborn, a down-on-his-luck florist’s assistant who discovers a mysterious, bloodthirsty plant he names Audrey II. As Seymour’s fortunes change for the better with the plant’s growing popularity, he is faced with a moral dilemma as Audrey II’s insatiable appetite for human blood becomes clear. The high school version retains the quirky charm, dark humor, and catchy rock and Motown-inspired songs of the original while being adapted for younger performers, featuring adjusted content and vocal arrangements suitable for a school production.
This edition allows high school students to explore complex characters, vibrant music, and dynamic storytelling while maintaining a level of appropriateness for a school setting. The show’s themes of ambition, love, and the dangers of unchecked greed offer plenty of opportunities for meaningful discussion and engagement. With its eccentric characters, colorful set designs, and memorable musical numbers such as “Suddenly, Seymour” and “Feed Me,” the high school version of *Little Shop of Horrors* promises an entertaining experience that brings this cult classic to a new generation.